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Oats are a good source of many vitamins, minerals, and unique plant compounds. This grain also offers a number of potential health benefits. Including reduced cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity.

Nutrition facts.

The nutrition facts for 1 cup (81 grams) of raw oats are :

  • Calories: 307
  • Water: 8.7 grams
  • Protein: 10.7 grams
  • Carbs: 54.8 grams
  • Sugar: 0.8 grams
  • Fiber: 8.1 grams
  • Fat: 5.3 grams


Carbs make up 66% of oats by dry weight สมัคร ufabet

About 11% of the carbs is fiber, while 85% is starch. Are very low in sugar, with only 1% coming from sucrose.


Starch, which is comprise of long chains of glucose molecules is the largest component.

The starch is different than the starch in other grains. It has a higher fat content and a higher viscosity. Which is its ability to bind with water.

Three types of starches are found in oats:

  • Rapidly digested starch (7%). This type is quickly broken down and absorb as glucose.
  • Slowly digested starch (22%). This form is broken down and absorb more slowly.
  • Resistant starch (25%). Resistant starch functions like fiber. Escaping digestion and improving gut health by feeding your friendly gut bacteria.


Whole pack almost 11% fiber, and porridge contains 1.7% fiber.

The majority of the fiber in oats is soluble, mostly a fiber call beta glucan.

Oats also provide insoluble fibers, including lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose.

Oats offer more soluble fiber than other grains, leading to slower digestion, increased fullness, and appetite suppression.

Soluble oat beta glucans are unique among fibers. As they can form a gel-like solution at a relatively low concentration.

Beta glucan comprises 2.3–8.5% of raw, whole oats, mostly concentrate in the oat bran.

beta glucans are know to lower cholesterol levels and increase bile acid production. They’re also believe to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels after a carb-rich meal.

Daily consumption of beta glucans has show to lower cholesterol. Especially LDL (bad) cholesterol, and may thus decrease your risk of heart disease.


Oats are a good source of quality protein at 11–17% of dry weight. Which is higher than most other grains .

The major protein in oats — at 80% of the total content is avenalin. Which isn’t found in any other grain but is similar to legume proteins.

The minor protein avenin is relate to wheat gluten. However, pure oats are considered safe for most people with gluten intolerance.